Why I've Decided to Not Get the Booster
It's over and I'm not legitimizing these bullshit policies
I wasn’t really considering getting the booster, but I’m the type of person who is always willing to hear new data, and there are indications that the boosters work quite well.
As a background, this is what I think about vaccines:
Do significantly protect against deaths
Is less effective than natural immunity, therefore no need to vaccinate previously infected
Does not make sense in healthy children and young adults
Does carry risks of vaccine injury, but these should be evaluated in the context of the risks posed by C-19 (age, weight, health)
I've not seen evidence of ADE as a problem
People can disagree with me on these, but I’ve done my own research and arrived at these conclusions.
Recently this new Lancet study came out:
It’s a meta-analysis of how well the vaccines protect the Swedish population.
Turns out, it works quite well early on against infections, but peters out pretty quickly:
But, it does still help against severe Covid…though not nearly as much as expected:
This is an overall picture, and there are large variations, but it seems that even protection against severe Covid isn’t that great.
To be clear the authors state:
“The effectiveness against hospitalization or death seems to remain high through 9 months, but not for men, older frail individuals, and individuals with comorbidities”.
So basically the people who were already dying of Covid-19.
We should be careful because this is one study and I think overall European data shows a benefit to Western Europe vs Eastern Europe → just look at the low deaths vs cases to the Delta wave in the highly vaccinated West vs the high deaths vs cases to the Delta wave in the less vaccinated East.
But the Sweden Lancet study confirms what I’ve been saying for a long time.
I’ve spoken out at length about how it is stupid to keep people locked down after getting vaccinated because that is when they have the best odds at encountering the live virus and developing natural immunity (the superior immunity) without dying.
Anybody who follows me knows that I’ve made this point repeatedly because it’s obvious. We’ve known for a long time that immunity against coronaviruses wanes quickly. And we’ve also known that vaccine immunity wanes.
But there’s great news, don’t you know!!!!
We can get boosters!!!
And as it turns out, the boosters work…at least in the short-term studies available.
But that’s the same thing that happened in the Spring when vaccines were working miracles and nobody was spreading and dying.
Eventually, the immunity decreased to the point where it made less and less of a difference.
You should know that I’m not particularly worried about getting the booster. I have no allergies or any history of autoimmune reactions. I got both jabs with zero side effects except for a sore arm.
If I get the booster, I can be “safe” for another 6-9 months.
And this is the reason why I’m not getting the booster.
I don’t care about the incremental protection over baseline risk that I would receive from a booster, because it would not change anything in this crazy “public health” system we have.
If I get the booster, I am just encouraging more lockdowns, shutdowns, masks, and mandates. I’m legitimizing Covid-19 Tyranny.
And this is where I draw the line.
I’m being honest when I say that I believe the booster is a net positive in terms of my risk of dying from Covid-19, but I also need to consider this within the greater context of societal harm that is being done by measures taken against this virus.
If we agree to the boosters, we agree to continue to live in this charade of a reality that is being imposed upon us where all that matters are new cases.
If we get the boosters, we are complicit in the forced vaccination of our children, mask mandates, and restrictions.
So the authorities can take their boosters and shove them up their asses.
I’m done playing these games and legitimizing their bullshit policies.
I’m not going to hide for another 6-9 months.
I’ve said we need to let people get back to normal and let the virus travel because that is humanity’s collective protection against respiratory viruses. That’s the right thing to do if we care about our youth or ever getting back to any sense of normality.
If we don’t give them the boosters, we don’t give them the ability to pretend there is yet another light at the end of the tunnel and that we should put up with their policies for just a little while longer.
Ireland has 93% of adults vaccinated but more measures are necessary. FFS, really????
I was never for lockdowns after learning about the age stratification of Covid last April. It was essentially over for me back then.
But when the vaccines came around, the data was so promising that I re-evaluated my position and thought that we could save a lot of lives.
Public health experts failed the most vulnerable by insisting on continued lockdown measures after vaccination. And they will continue to do so regardless of the boosters.
This is my personal position, I don’t encourage anybody else to follow my lead.
But I’ve had enough and I’m not going to legitimize this authoritarianism by getting their booster.
I didn't take any of the shots, but my thought process is similar. I'm at sufficiently low risk that I could afford to take a "wait and see" approach, knowing that new drugs often take a while to show problems (even with very extensive testing, which these didn't have) and that there'd never been a good coronavirus vaccine before. I figured I'd wait a few years, until we had better data, then make a free and informed choice, just like every other drug I've taken as an adult.
At this point? No. I'm not convinced the vaccines work very well, I'm not convinced that being vaxxed is safer for me than remaining unvaxxed, but more importantly, I'm not going to encourage all the coercion and propaganda and sheer unreasonable nonsense that's going on by giving its architects what they want. When you reward behavior, you get more of it.
My position is somewhat similar. I got vaccinated back in the summer, but my estimate of my personal risk profile was such that I probably wouldn't have, except that I was thinking more along the lines of "doing my part" not to be a vector of transmission. But then it turns out that my chances of being a vector of transmission are barely different for barely a few months, and I'm not "doing my part" for anything productive if people are losing their jobs, health care, etc., over making a different choice for themselves. Now I've shifted pretty strongly against the vaccines in general, including boosters and children.