Not to take away from the hard work put into this, but all attempts to look at election fraud suffer a similar flaw: the burden of proof is not on citizens to prove election fraud, rather it is on the state to prove a clean, auditable, observable, and legal election through all steps. The burden of proof is always on the state. On this they have failed demonstrably. The best they have tried is what are euphemistically called "recounts". This involves recounting ballots without any regard for the veracity or legality of the ballots on hand. This is a sham. At this point it can be stated unequivocally that valid elections are an illusion in many states in the U.S.

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I strongly support your comment. Our elections should be conducted in a manner that is clearly honest.

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Best summary of all potential voting problems that I have seen to date. THANK YOU.

Re: registration. This is something I know A LOT about. I used to live in California and I worked on political campaigns and for elected officials. In the early 1990s, bounty for registration (paying $1-5 per registration -- this happened both Dem and Rep) increased fraud. I PERSONALLY analyzed voter registration rolls in one assembly district wholly within Los Angeles County and uncovered massive false registrations. This included EVERY person in an apartment building being registered to vote in the same month, including minor children. This included 15+ people being registered in one small house, all with variations of the same name. Because I understood the system, I ran reports based on date registered, then manually went through the thousands of records to identify more than 1000 fraudulent registrations in only one assembly district. I created a report and sent to my boss (a candidate) plus his consultant and others. They informed the media which did an actual report on it on television! We sent our data to the registrar. Fast forward two years: virtually every fraudulent registration was still on the rolls.

THAT is the problem with mass mail-in ballots. Though this happened 30 years ago, the laws have become far worse in California related to voting. If you send a ballot to every registered voter and thousands of those voters are not real people, it sets up the potential of massive fraud. There are no real checks and balances in California to ensure that those who are registered are actually real people. And if Democrats have their way, this will be the law of the land for everyone.

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Not allowing republican watchers.

Mail in voting that was not accountable to anyone - fine without a signature etc.

Problems in the middle of the night (eg. Water main break)

Drop boxes for votes (see 1000 mules)

There are far too many ways to cheat. I simply do not believe that Biden won. Amazing how the dems took southern cal house seat but then lost it when the republicans used drop boxes for votes too. Remember that race? Yeah, I do.

I personally believe that voting is a privilege. If you can’t vote IN PERSON THE DAY OF THE ELECTION, then I think you should go to your town hall and vote in person with the town clerk present. This isn’t fun and games. It is a privilege and comes with responsibility. If you don’t like it, then don’t vote.

All this mail in voting and drop boxes is ripe with fraud. Period. An easy way to stop it is what I outlined above. If voting is important to people, they will make sure they cast their ballot in person. Period.

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I still haven’t seen any explanation for the video in Atlanta where they ran the same ballots over and over through the machine (after pulling them from under a table after lying to shoo the observers out)

I also didn’t see any mention of the grotesquely loosened signature verification standards. It’s a variable easily tweaked…

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Said video, in case you want to download it.


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Another reason: The Time article where they took credit for and justified "fortifying" the election...

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The concerns then still exist today. There's really nothing to prevent the same exact problems from occurring in 2022. Same polling says R's are going to take majorities in Congress. Good chance that live results will confirm that until early Wednesday morning when, oh looky here more ballots for D's (yay), send the results in the other direction. Considering how the courts will not get involved there's no disincentive to NOT pad the mail-in votes again in favor of Team Blue.

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Can I respectfully push back a little, I think that there is are a few entirely different dimensions that you're missing out on that animates much of the suspicion that there is widespread election fraud, namely the history of voter fraud in the US & the behavior of politicians surrounding the issue (much more than just the bizarre and suspicious looking activities/actions from the 2020 election.

A proper list is too long for a comment, but I wrote up most of them here:


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Nicely written. The eagerness to create an environment where fraud is easy is in itself proof of fraud. Doesn’t take a genius to see.

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that's a great way of putting it :)

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The Ds are certainly acting like a group who stole the election.

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Trotting Biden around with his Office of the President-Elect backdrop sealed the deal for me. Once I saw that, I knew he won the cleanest election in history, and nobody could doubt it.

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Gah! I forgot that little sideshow of clown world!


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Reason 11: the nearly dozen unsolicited mail-in-ballot applications delivered to a residence i no longer live at.

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I am surprised that the large sums spent rallying democrat votes, some allegedly against state laws, by Zuckerberg and others didn’t make the list?

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The other thing to consider is that when an "issue" or "anomaly" arises it always goes in favor of demoncrats.

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I will be glad to debate your position across any live video platform.

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The answer is Blockchain. All votes can be verified.

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Arizona found about 12K ballots cast by those no longer at the address on the voter registration, if I remember correctly most had moved out of state and could not legally vote in AZ. Nothing to see here. Just move along.

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Each issue listed is akin to smelling smoke. Combined, there’s a lot smoke that needed to be investigated because there is clearly a fire somewhere. The media and democrat response of refusing to allow any investigation and gaslighting / name-calling republicans was enough to convince me something was amiss. Also, you saw classic manipulation techniques like strawmanning (ex: framing and then shooting down the argument there was no evidence of widespread fraud - even though all you needed to do was commit fraud in one or two precincts of key areas in swing states to pull off the steal).

The problem is that Trump didn’t help himself one bit pre-election and could have possibly lost without dem cheating. I didn’t vote for him again. I also didn’t like how manipulative he is (uses exact same tactics as dems) and I was suspicious of the way he seemed to be sowing the seeds of possible fraud in the months prior. Too much deceit by both parties

All that said, it was very clear Trump was not supposed to win in 16 and he faced an insane amount of demonstrably false and underhanded BS the entire presidency.

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I examined all of the evidence as it was coming in. I was convinced that the election was ‘very strange’ and that voting fraud was the likely culprit. Many others saw the same things. In addition, we have the blurted out admission of the in-the-basement candidate that he would win because his party had established “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”. And, the desperate attempts by the Democrats to prevent any investigation into the election. So, not convinced by Gummi’s argument.

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Great article! I've got the full video of the GA hearing, you can view/download it here:


The Democrats are simply trying to introduce so many integrity holes into the election that we will never be able to trust elections again. Ask the people in WA state -- it doesn't take much effort to roll around the countryside, picking up 'legal' ballots for later use. This is doubly compounded when we can't determine if the ballot at the bottom of the box was even legally cast.

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