“Did he just say what I think he said!?!?!?”
Yes, I am saying that Delta was exactly what we needed…and it may be the reason our children don’t get vaccinated
I’ve written at length about the dynamics of Covid-19 and why current measures make no sense
Here’s a longer version:
The quick version is:
C-19 is here to stay → it’s a respiratory virus that, once endemic, will mutate and come around each season
Vaccine immunity is limited
helps against infections for the first 3-4 months while you have anti-bodies
afterwards, is not very effective against getting Covid-19, but still offers strong protection against severe outcomes (hospitalization or death)
older, obese and unhealthy individuals can still die from C-19 after vaccination but are far better off with a vaccine
Natural immunity is far superior to vaccine immunity
even if you’ve been vaccinated, you will eventually get Covid-19
the pandemic goes fully endemic when enough people get natural immunity
NY is a testimony of the power of natural immunity as it was hit very hard in early 2020 but was largely spared afterwards
So paradoxically, running away from the virus after you get vaccinated is the wrong thing to do
exposure to the virus in the months after vaccination actually allows you to develop natural immunity while having maximum protection against severe disease
the longer it takes to get exposed to the virus the lower your vaccine generated immunity will be
Once everybody who wanted the vaccine, got the vaccine, we should have all gone back to normal
The virus needs to travel in the population
Each infection gives natural immunity, each reinfection is a booster
But of course, this is not what we did → instead we continued with non-pharmaceutical interventions (lockdowns, closing schools/businesses, masks, etc)
I disagree that these measures are useful, but to some extent, they do work in reducing the R0 of the disease
So what we’ve had is this situation where we are having 4 to 6 waves of Covid-19 in some areas, whereby in past pandemics, there have usually been 2 to 3 waves
In essence, what we have done is the equivalent of slowly pulling off the bandaid
The Delta variant came along and was so much more infective that it cut through the population so quickly that measures made no difference
That was not necessarily a bad thing:
Vaccine immunity is stronger sooner rather than later
Delaying the inevitable infection of unvaccinated people never made any sense
The Delta variant ripped the bandaid off quickly without our health officials having a say in it
It is very possible that the Delta wave is it in terms of the pandemic → I measure my words because Covid-19 has made a fool of us all
But no country, to my knowledge, has so far had another wave following the end of the Delta wave
One of the key benefits of this is that it should lessen the pressure of getting children vaccinated
If the Delta variant managed to end the pandemic instead of letting it drag out through the spring of 2022, then it has helped avoid the unnecessary vaccination of children
So to all you parents, there is reason for hope in terms of resisting pushes to have your children vaccinated
If the pandemic is over and we manage to avoid the unnecessary mass vaccination of our children, we will have the Delta variant to thank for it
Sounds crazy, but it’s true!
I think the only thing that will save children from vaccination in most places is non-compliance. Facts won't help.
After all, so far, the powers that be have consistently done the exactly wrong thing and love using the jackboot whenever they get the chance. Facts and logic have yet to fix the problem because most governments aren't acting in good faith. They're using this as an excuse to get as much power as they can. Even in places that aren't as extreme as Australia, we're seeing this. I'm in Puerto Rico, where our SARS numbers have been low for ages. Hospitalizations have never gotten out of hand. Yet the restrictions have no end point. Instead, everything is treated at the government and media level as a reason to panic, and much of the population has gotten caught up in the fear. SARS is no longer a virus. It is a deity that demands ritualistic obedience "because."
I am afraid that the reasons driving massive vaccination (via blunt extortion and zero internet in public "health": https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/kitten-corner-we-had-to-destroy-the/comments) have nothing to do with the pandemic or science.
They have to do with desire of the elites to move the West to a technocratic - corporatist authoritarian model, similar to China's, where the livehoods of the citizens are controlled by the State through the vaccine/green, or whatever they are called, passports.
On top of that, the long term implications of vaccines are so bad, they want by any means to eliminate any substantial "control group".
At the individual level they have saved some lives with a big cost of adverse events on mostly health people, but at the social level their wide deployment has been a disaster: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/leaky-vaccines-super-spreads-and
They possibly made the pandemic worse and killed more people than saved (just check the strange excess mortality on 2021 of younger age groups that coincidentally (?) started in early spring, at the same period that mass vaccination campaign expanded to the wide population. Or how infections exploded in many countries as soon as vaccinations started).
So I am not optimistic that because of delta, they won't push for mass vaccination on kids. Heck, just look at what is happening in Canada, Australia, NZ, Italy and many other European countries. What justifies destroying lives and work of people for a vaccine that does not stop spread or infections and for a virus that has been circulating at this point at least 2 years and kills maybe 1:1000 people of working age?