I was born in Communist Eastern Europe too. The reason what is happening now is scarier is because technology finally caught up with the technocratic agenda. Makes the old commie days look like a walk in the park.

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How much do we have to pay you to get back on the climate deep dive

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Always love seeing Gummi Bear in my inbox! Great article! It's sort of weird how Twitter kept saying "it's algorithms", but now we see people literally just hanging out in slack channels, waiting to 'moderate' somebody's speech.

Also I'm not sure if you caught this, but Dr Jay only joined Twitter in August 2021 -- and by that time we had enough data to show the vaccine wasn't stopping transmission and therefore mandates were a terrible, terrible idea. In other words, he was ALREADY correct when he joined Twitter -- this isn't somebody in early 2020 throwing out guesses.

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It's both...notice when you use the wrong phrasing the classic "most people don't tweet like this" pops up immediately. I believe lower level accounts such as myself get sent into a database and if there is a complaint by somebody, AI does do some weeding out, hence some of the nonsensical banishments. If you get big enough, then you get visibility in the slack channels where now they have to decide if you matter enough to monitor.

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I am perma-banned from Twitter for the following statement, in response to an article by the Samaritans a couple of weeks ago linking increased suicides and transgender people. My exact comment was "This is mental illness, where transgender is a symptom and not a cause". I didn't say anything else. According to Twitter, that is a hateful comment and several appeals later, where I've asked them to explain exactly what's hateful about it (no reply), especially considering the huge numbers of teen girls now ID-ing as trans, I'm still banned. Twitter is basically run by progressive liberals who won't tolerate any differing opinions on their key causes, no matter how respectfully put.

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Knowing a social credit system is inevitable, the best way to pre-emptively fight against it would be to deliberately "tank your score" before it's in place. Since they tend to use guilt-by-association it would ruin it for everyone.

Only problem is solving the prisoner's dilemma!

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Pro tip: the black markets are more fun anyway.

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I was born in Easter Europe under communism as well. I was 8 when the US accepted my family legally as political asylum seekers. My parents were on the blacklist. It was very apparent how our moves and choices were limited because my parents were not believing participants of the party. I felt the same way now. A friend of mine teaches AP World History. She does not connect the dots - at all and is one of the worst covidians out there. This is what scares me. People who should get it, don't.. Can anyone explain to me why Novak Djokovic was not allowed in the US Open this past year? The limit on any foreigner coming into the US without a shot had absolutely nothing to do with preventing the spread... What can I hope for? Enough people in power or the ability to make a difference are opening their eyes and fighting back. There is some hope in the courts. It's not guaranteed, but there is some hope. To the statement in the US that one cannot discriminate based on sex, age, sexual orientation etc, we have to add "medical status". Only then will things change.

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Social Credit...curious to see how will one be 'scored' if an individual has little to no social media footprint. GB's right though, it's only about the few having power over everyone, including those who already agree with them. Wars have already been fought over less. How is it we, collectively, never learn from our own past? 🤨

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Twitter files is a psyop

wen amnesty

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I am curious what your reasons for staying anonymous are Gummi. Your comments always seem perfectly reasonable and well reasoned, nothing overly controversial, even though they push against the official narrative.

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One of the reasons I sometimes know things is because of what I do and the people/institutions that I’m familiar with

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Anonymous arguments have power because the 'public' is unable to smear the author. Just look at basically any argument on Twitter from Elon Musk. Half the thread is people crapping on him because of Tesla or some other irrelevant point.

When you're anonymous, the focus stays on the argument, not the person making it.

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It's why I use and encourage others to use pseudonyms, too. Two many 'anonymous's gets confusing really fast! 🙂

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True but at the same time they will use it as a reason to dismiss you.

I shared his deep dive on Fauci a while ago. "Durr, conspiracy theories"

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Correct, which I why I don't engage any 'anonymous' posts - they're simply not worth inconveniencing so many electrons.

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You are on Gummi Bear's substack though.

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True. Many posters use no name at all on blogs and comment sections, they are 'anonymous' in the literal sense. Those are the posts I will not engage. If pobrecollie is not your name it's still better than having no name at all.

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