I always love seeing a Gummi post in my inbox!

"Sorry, officer, I identify as a foreign dignitary, therefore I have diplomatic immunity."

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Deer don’t pay taxes, could be good.

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Oh damn good point! Pay no taxes vs. being hunted down for sport........

Toss up, I'd say.

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I imagine it's a scary time to be raising children.

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Yea me too. It's a scary time to be raising children if you do not know who and what you are. This madness IS a Satanic deception. It's so absurd and against logic as has been pointed out, that it is clearly kind of a parody in its own right. Designed to drive folks insane.

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That a majority of SCOTUS could not come to this glaringly obvious logical conclusion just goes to show how sexual orientation/gender ideology is deeply psychologically corruptive.

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All those “furries” out there better watch their tails!

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Hello, life insurance company ... I identify as a dead person under the definition of my policy ...

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There is apparently a thing called “furries” in which people identify as animals. So this is even more on target than mentioned here.

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Couple this with the animal rights activists pushing for animals to have equal rights to humans. You then get humans being reclassified to be no more than farm animals which plays into the globalist parasites playbook perfectly.

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