"we need to learn from our mistakes and then let them go." If they were really mistakes, she would have a good point. Unfortunately, I don't believe the perpetrators made these "mistakes"; they were deliberate actions that were known to cause harm. They participated in deliberate mass murder, plain and simple, and for this there should be no amnesty, only the harshest punishment possible!

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You nailed it. Mistakes would have gone in both directions.

These errors never did, (sort of like FBI 'mistakes' always hurt Trump), and that's how we know they're not mistakes.

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At every turn the decisions made seemed like the wrong ones. It's difficult to put it down to incompetence. If you take jabbing as many people as possible as a goal, then the decisions make a lot more sense.

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Jabbing is not the goal. Killing/maiming/sterilizing is the end goal. Jabbing is the means to the end. Based on the numbers we see so far (~10-20 million dead, according to Peter Halligan), the perpetrators were not very effective if depopulation were the main goal (less than 1% of the global population have been killed so fat). That's what concerns me. Do we have billions of walking time bombs, given that ~5B people globally were jabbed? Prof Dolores Cahill has stated that everyone who was jabbed will be dead within three-five years. If she is anywhere near correct, that would ramp up the numbers substantially. Further, if as some experts believe, the jabs will result in massive sterilization of child-bearing age youth, that would also contribute to massive depopulation.

Or maybe the COVID-19 jabs were merely the warmup to the main event. Once people could be lulled into compliance and obedience, then the next phony pandemic and associated "vaccines" could be the knockout punch. We don't know the intent and strategy of the perpetrators, so we really don't know what has been unleashed upon us!

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Some of the people who are saying that amnesty should be given due to 'no one knew any better 'argument:: You will find that many did know better. If one goes up the hierarchy we see more and more complicity, money exchanging hands, and dirty doings. Let's just pray jail time occurs because our rights were taken from us by govt illicitly using big tech and media to censor. Yet, many saw thru the fog and pursued alternate ideas. This academic is apparently stupid, as are many people who cling to NPR and NYTIMES, etc

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RE: #2 - They HAD to shut down access to repurposed drugs. There could be no EUA if there were available treatments. EUA was critical to their plans.

Also - NO amnesty. Ever. There must to be accountability.

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Great post! Always love to see Gummi in my inbox!

In my opinion, the worst part about her article was saying "Getting anything right required a lot of luck" -- that's all bullshit. The people who put in the work and tried to publicize the data were shouted down and banned. The information was always freely available, the 'experts' were too busy covering their asses to acknowledge it.

And the obvious -- if you're 'in the dark' and don't know something, the proper course of action is not to remove the rights of your neighbors so that you feel safe.

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No, no, no, no. They'll be no amnesty. Not for this. Never.

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There will be no amnesty from me....ever. With every passing day the whitewashing & jersey switching continues apace. Interesting that the Johns Hopkins’ analysis from February of this year was so damming of lockdowns when their fingerprints were all over the planning & response going back to before the pandemic when they participated in that pandemic trial run with Bill & Melinda & the rest of the ghouls. Johns Hopkins like so many universities are captured by big Pharma & the industrial medicine complex that promotes low fat diets which have led to record numbers of obese North Americans. Aside from Marty Mackary where were other JH officials advocating for schools to stay open & for the WHO pandemic protocols to be followed? Mo there will be no amnesty from me, ever. Heck Oster and the rest of her ilk haven’t even apologized for their discretions. We need tribunals so we can rub their noses in it good and proper. This can never happen again.

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People Ned to understand we need power to the people. This plandemic was being planned as far back as 1956 there were tv ads saying in the future when plane travel was more easily available a virus called Crona ( different spelling) would “escape” an Asian country and spread world wide. This is not an amnesty they are wanting- it’s an attempt to lull everyone into a sense of false security. In 2015 Gates announced there would be ten pandemics in ten years. If you look at the design it was always a bio weapon, the patents for various aspect go back to 2002-3. Dasczal is reputed to have a collection of over 2000 of these pathogens. A lot of the finance for gain of function research has been diverted through DARPA and DOD in order to obscure “what’s in the vaccine “. They even fund research in an Australian lab with DOD grants. Furthermore they, upon Bidens bidding are making amendments to the WHO pandemic treaty, it surrenders all health controls of co-signatories to WHO. James Roguski also on Substack has all the details and is terrifying. No more sovereignty. I’m in Australia ond our last government signed a deal to have three mRNA labs in this country. Their latest public message about this at the time and since, it that all childhood vaccines made here will be mRNA and that they are currently making an mRNA vaccine for RSV (respiratory syncidial virus) - complete ng after our babies 🥲. What’s happening now is a multifaceted attack on humanity. Food shortages power shortages, destruction of the middle class ( real reason for lockdowns) destruction of education etc. We don’t have to simply hold leaders in individual countries we need to stop funding UN WHO and all other globalist organisations. If the WHO achieves their goal with the pandemic treaty they will become the centralised hub of future bio- weapons and hold control worldwide over the response.

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Power to the people? Which ones? You mean the majority that simply and cravenly obeyed?? Those people? The uniformed thugs who, for a paycheck, obeyed orders and assaulted people? Those guys and gals in uniforms that are our neighbors, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, cousins who obeyed orders to violate basic human rights? Those people?

Power to which people? Exactly. Because from where I sit, "the people" have proven themselves unworthy.

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I’m talking about the little people, the everyday person in the street . The same nes who have beloved they love bed in a democracy and their vote actually mattered and they could trust what we thought was democracy. Time for people to become awake to the reality and see the wolves in sheeps clothing. The very people you’re talking about .

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“ Vaccines for respiratory viruses don’t provide sterilizing immunity, thus don’t stop transmission”. Does this mean that the flu vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission and may produce asymptomatic spreaders?

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Mistakes imply things that are accidental. There was nothing accidental here. And we can't even begin any kind of forgiveness and recompense process while the madness continues and it continues to this day. It continues because they can never admit what they've done, that they got it wrong and the massive harm they've caused and continue to cause. The COVID response, including the failed experimental vaccines became far too big to fail for the establishment. There will be no mea culpa .....and so, no amnesty.

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Sorry to hear about your daughter…

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I know you can’t cover all, but how many lost businesses and livelihoods? How many were physically and/or emotionally assaulted? How many lost loved ones who died alone instead of with family? How many were simply “unpersoned” either online or in real life? How many were maimed or killed by submitting?

I was never jabbed. I never backed down. I was going to sue an HOA if they tried to ban me from community facilities. I was one of very few, but willing to fight the fight.

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Thank you for that. Needed to besaid

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If nothing is done it will surely happen again. And soon!

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There are a number of short summations regarding this topic.

Here's one:

If they get the opportunity, they will do it again.

Amnesty? Never.

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The murderous insatiably Greedy Big Brother/ Govt.-Pharma-Media- machine catalyzed this ongoing Global catastrophe.. their leadership deserves maximum prosecution.. nothing less... forget contrition at this point that will come just before sentencing at Nuremberg.. after the trials are completed we can explore Amnesty

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Oster even got the Santayana quote wrong:

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905.

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