I was an early skeptic on the Covid-19 Vaccine and I’m talking mid-2020
I openly questioned whether a vaccine could be effective enough to help with a disease that kills about 0.2% of the people
Feel free to quibble on the actual number but it’s somewhere around there…I’ve done enough Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) analyses to say this with a high degree of certainty
But that number is incredibly misleading because it skews predominantly towards old, sick, and obese people
I’ve since changed my opinion and argued that the vaccine makes a lot of sense for some people
Depending on your age, weight, and health, you may decide to take the vaccine or not, because there are rare but serious side effects (myocarditis, strokes, clotting, etc)
I’ve taken this part of my commentary about the vaccine very seriously because I realize that what I say may influence some people’s decision
I’ve made it clear to people that it’s a personal decision and the vaccine makes sense for some (most) people, but not everyone
It’s a risk-reward calculation
So, young, healthy people are not getting very sick or dying from Covid-19 by any current metric
Twitter suspended me for a week for pointing this fact out using CDC data
People told me to accept the suspension and that it wasn’t worth challenging
It took 3 weeks and a retweet from @dancrenshawtx but I won my appeal
Anyways, I digress…the point is healthy children are generally not in danger
The deaths that do occur are overwhelmingly sick or immunocompromised children
Fast forward to today
Pfizer has requested and will receive, Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to vaccinate children 5-11
There is no EMERGENCY in children…NONE!
Why on earth give children, who are generally not at risk, experimental vaccines with an emergency authorization and no long-term studies?
A study on 2,200 children was the basis for the FDA’s decision to green-light the vaccination…not nearly enough to assess the impact of myocarditis
And it’s not even clear if the study was conducted correctly…
This will undoubtedly be used to mandate vaccination of children in many areas
But what about adverse reactions? Myocarditis for example!!
The FDA says that Myocarditis does occur but they are “mild to moderate” in severity
So it’s a “mostly peaceful” myocarditis
Have we lost our minds?
Myocarditis is not a good thing…it kills cardiac cells which will never regenerate
Some of the replies I received:
We refuse to let people try very safe and time tested repurposed drugs like Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, because we fear doing more harm than good
But as it concerns our children we’re willing to accept mild to moderate Myocarditis
I’m a father of pre-teen girls who are furious with my wife and I for not vaccinating them
Their friends are vaccinated and they want to get on with their lives
They blame us for being anti-vaxxers
I am a serious, well studied, and thoughtful person…I’ve spent a lot of time educating my children…yet I also have to deal with this
Others think the risk is very small, so why bother with the inconvenience?
It’s “mostly peaceful” Myocarditis after all
Because it’s an unnecessary risk
And I could not live with myself, knowing what I know, if my children were to incur long-lasting health problems because I chose the easy way out
It's not easy when you children are angry with you. I feel you are doing the right thing. However, what will you do when the shots are mandated for everyone -- including boosters? I think the booster mandate is coming up. I'm a fed worker and the form I just filled out for them regarding my vax status wants to know the brand of vax I took and the date I took it "in case the definition of fully vaccinated changes." They just built the web site from scrap over the summer. I figure they KNOW that boosters will be mandated.
I fear that the more people that give in, the easier it will be to mandate perpetual booster shots. Many have been coerced thru propaganda and mandates rather than have made an informed choice.