The proof of the fraud is there and incredibly massive. You just have to be willing to see it. The statistical anomalies are like winning the lottery every week for a year. Or maybe you know it but don’t want to say so.

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After this, Biden got votes in proportions not seen anywhere else in the country. In other words, Biden got EXACTLY the votes he needed, EXACTLY WHERE he needed them, EXACTLY WHEN he needed them.

And when people thought that was suspicious, politicians put up fences in DC.

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Yes, Seth Keshel did a terrific presentation about exactly this at Lindell’s Cyber Symposium last year. I defy anyone to watch it and not come out thinking that something is seriously wrong with the 2020 result.

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I think the point is the way Trump behaved in regards to it, pushing some of his base to the side because they didn’t want to go down the road of election fraud. After all, if our elections aren’t real how do we ever work our way out of this mess. It can leave some with a hopeless/helpless feeling.

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Trump, well actually Jared the rat, could have done much, much, more to prevent vote fraud before the election, and was warned many times that something was afoot. In the United States the candidates have to agree on certain rules and Jared basically agreed to get rid of most anti vote fraud safeguards. The judges didn’t want to get involved in part because they thought Jared was either an idiot or intentionally stabbing Trump in his back.

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Gummi Bear

Wow, spot on. Couldn't agree more; your bullet points exactly encapsulate how I feel as well. Now prepare for a whole lot of commenters to miss the forest for the trees.

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Aug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022

The DOJ was weaponized by 0bama/Holder, aided by the framework put in place by the Patriot Act. Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse have done excellent work explaining this.

Here’s one piece - https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/07/16/richard-baris-outlines-the-theater-of-republican-club-politics/

Sundance has done several deep dives on this.

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"Can you imaging what Republicans would do if their candidate wins in 2024 and Kamala decides to intervene!?!"

Unfortunately, I can imagine it. If it is Trump winning, then the party will roll over and give it to whoever the Democrat candidate is in 2024. They already did pretty much that in 2020.

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I'd like Trump to run 2024 and in that effort really tone down his rhetoric to appeal to those who simply dislike his big NY personality but are agreeable to his leadership. He's perfect because he won't have an option to run again so he can tear down these corrupt agencies and restore our government to a semblance of it's original place. Be can be the house cleaner. He has nothing to lose politically. Then Desantis can swoop in and bring 8 years of sanity, integrity, liberty and prosperity to this great country.

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wehn is the FBI going to raid the NIH/Pfizer/Gottleib/Fauci? Trump not firing Fauci and botching the entirety of 2020 (not talking elections) is a big problem, it's 25% of his term and it was horrible. William Barr? get the fuck out of here, he's as deep state as they come. Trump is a pawn in a game we're not privy to the rules.

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The "New Right" is an obvious consequence of the weaponization of the major institutions by the Left. Not unlike gangs forming in neighborhoods to protect themselves from opposing gangs, the Right has no other option than to fight back against political persecution. Who will be audited by the 87,000 new IRS agents? Who will be prosecuted for protesting the unequal application of justice? We cannot continue trying to "Live and let live" our way out of this situation, have our morals used against us. We will soon have our own version of Francisco Franco, and the blame will fall on squarely on the shoulders of the Left.

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Completely agree with your post.

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Agreed. Good summary Gummi

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GUMMI SIGHTING! One of the few things I miss from Twitter.

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