Feb 13, 2022·edited Feb 13, 2022

I couldn't care less if they're biologically related. All that matters to me is the incontrovertible fact that Fidel is the father of Justin's ideology.

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Amen. But a DNA test may prove the truth.

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Feb 13, 2022·edited Feb 13, 2022

Thank you for this excellent article, this very much confirms my own research into this subject and I think you can give yourself a huge pat on the back because this is the most comprehensive article I have seen on the matter.

Apart from the physical similarities, for me it was his mother's constant unfaithfulness. Take a lethario like like Castro and a woman who likes to get about, it doesn't really take much to work out what the end result might be.

Great work on the height part, that had never occurred to me before.

Edit: Brain fog induced typos, just had Omicron (it was a nothingburger btw 😎).

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good analysis. I hadn't thought about it much, but after taking height into account, as well as face/brow/eyes, it looks like he's Fidel's son. Even more obvious is that Chelsea Clinton is Webb Hubbell's daughter. That one's easier b/c she looks nothing like Bill and quite a bit like Hubbell. I don't think any of the spouses involved really care--these marriages are mostly for public appearance and they don't have the same marriage/moral values like regular people have...

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I never heard that one—but yeah. Wow.

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The matter of height similarity/difference is not much of a thing. Genetics is a weird thing here. The father of my sons is 5' 9", I am 5' 1" and our two sons are 6' 2" and 5' 6" while our daughter is the same as me.

I would put more credence in the facial similarities than height, or even hairline, which tends to be passed down through the mother's genetics.

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Yes, height can be funny. I have a normal-to-smaller family, but one cousin is extraordinarily tall. Very odd things can pop up from time to time.

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Feb 13, 2022·edited Feb 13, 2022

interesting idea, but what matters more is that Justin Trudeau is acting like a dictator wannabe. These last two weeks Trudeau has shown himself to be a coward who cannot problem solve in the midst of a crisis. Is he just following the covid script laid about by Klaus Schwab and the WEF? And there's nothing on the script regarding what to do if thousands of big-rig truckers protest your tyrannical mandates by driving their rigs into your capitol city, so poor ol Justin doesn't know what to do! First he hides "due to covid" and then he "answers" questions with prepared speeches that do not answer the questions at all! He needs to lift ALL mandates NOW just as Norway, Sweden, and Denmark have done. And then resign. Canadians deserve better than to have an incompetent WEF plant as their PM.

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Great piece. I had virtually zero doubt before, but was there is now gone.

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Great article. My only quibble, I look at the picture of Muhammad Ali and Fidel, and Justin and Fidel, I think Justin Trudeau and Muhammad Ali are probably about the same height, 6'3", Trump probably does inflate his height, and he's about 6'2", as is Fidel. But the points all stand, it's very unlikely for a 5'10" father and a 5'6" mother to produce a 6'3" inch son. Not unprecedented but very unlikely, far more plausible, even entirely expected, substituting in a 6'2" father. The resemblences are powerful as is the timeline and honeymoon travel itinery.

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BS my Mom and Dad were not tall 5'7 and 5'3" and they had two sons over 6 feet and I never made it to 5'

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Great article!

It's an interesting conspiracy theory! When I first saw the pictures I just thought ha ha, that's funny. Then I read his parents were swingers and loved Castro and it all made more sense.

Would it matter if he was though? Would he know himself?


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Feb 13, 2022·edited Feb 13, 2022

Would it matter if he was though?

- Yes, it would.

Is this what the WEF have as kompromat on him? The whole "Brigitte Macron is transgender" thing seems to have hit a high gear, the evidence in that case is probably better than that for Michelle Obama, which is already decent.

Jacinda Ardern seems to have a "package" (hence the nickname Cinderfella).

Really activates the old almonds if you ask me.

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I was just wondering why so many of our leaders these days have such big obvious “secrets”….what if they’re all true? Excellent leverage.

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Feb 14, 2022·edited Feb 14, 2022

100% agree. What's mind blowing to me is I live in France and the "National Inquirer" type magazines are running the Brigitte Macron story. When I say it's in high gear I am not exaggerating.

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I’m gonna look all these things up! Lol!

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I'll get back to you tomorrow, a French anon had a thread on it on 4Chan, it was very comprehensive. The evidence seems pretty overwhelming.

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I just looked up Mrs Macron. Hmmm. But where did her kids come from? Why did he marry her? 25 year age difference! Wow. Could she have been a true “hermaphrodite” who was female but they raised make mistakenly? So outrageous!

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from just a quick study of Macron, although she is highly plasticized and needs to eat more, I *think* she does have a normal female pelvic structure, with hip indentation above navel. This is a tell-tale thing--the trannies do not have any kind of hourglass, do not have indentation above navel. The most obvious lacking of this is if you look at beach photos of Serena Williams. (Mind you, this is no racial thing. There are some prominent white 'women' that upon close inspection, don't seem to pass muster).

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Feb 14, 2022·edited Feb 14, 2022

Yep. Pretty obvious. Look into the strange unfortunate death of Miche Trudeau—the baby in the picture. He was Castro’s “favorite.” (Do men usually hold other men’s babies like that?)

Poor Miche died in an avalanche at the age of 23. But his body was never found as he was apparently swept into a lake and couldn’t get out. He was conscious and talking to his friends until the end. His friend did get out of the lake. The search was called off very quickly because of low clouds. And his body is presumably still there. I’m mystified why they couldn’t recover it. Don’t bodies float?

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And Castro came to Pierre’s funeral.

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I personally am of the school of thought that: if it looks like a Castro, if it walks like a Castro, if it quacks like a Castro, it is InFidel Trudeau.

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Regarding Justin's height, the two pictures used for comparison show Fidel at different ages. As someone who used to be 6' 5" when he was 16, but is only 6'4" on *really good days* now that he's 46, more often stooping in around 6' 2", I can say that age can make a person shorter.

Interesting read. I'd thought it was purely a throwaway meme. Strange to see it might actually have something to it. :D

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Superb! Waiting for the DNA-Test.

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Even a reader from mainland China is impressed...Just used VPN to research on this subject. I agree with you that the word conspiracy theory has been misused.

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This is not unlike the uncanny resemblance between Obama and Frank Marshall Davis, the communist who was close friends with O's mother, and who became a "big brother" figure to Obama when he was being raised by his grand parents. Obama has not the slightest resemblance to O senior. O senior may have put his name on the birth cert and bailed for Africa, maybe as a favour to Dunham to keep Davis, who certainly would have been on the FBI's radar, at arm's length.

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