I’ve been fairly apolitical for most of my life. This all changed during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Trump was such a compelling story to follow that I found myself drawn into the world of politics for the first time in my life.
What I discovered is that this was less about politics (policies) than it was a culture war. And it immediately made it clear to me what side I was on.
I’ve since done what I could to call out the increasingly illiberal left because I think what they are doing is anti-American and fundamentally dangerous. I covered a lot of this in my Great Reset Deep Dive:

The Trump presidency was both a blessing and a curse.
Mainstream media exposed just how partisan they are.
It revealed the extent to which our most important institutions (FBI, DOJ, CDC NIAID) were populated with partisan left-leaning actors.
It made it clear that the radical progressive agenda was actually a form of neo-marxism.
Trump was such a polarizing figure, that the left was able to get away with outrageous behavior/agendas because Trump was considered the greater evil → once this becomes normalized you now have a bigger problem.
The country was polarized to the point where many weren’t even listening to what the other side had to say.
It’s really had to fathom what has been normalized since 2016.
What is this outrageous behavior/agenda that I mention:
Russiagate → The FBI weaponized opposition research from the Hillary campaign against Trump and didn’t bother stopping when they found out that the dossier was bogus. This should be the political scandal of the century, but “serious” journalists pretend this didn’t happen.
Media Coverage of the 2020 Presidential Campaign → They buried real and damaging stories like Hunter’s laptop or Biden’s sexual assault allegations.
Media Coverage of Everything → Example: Kavanaugh hearing, Covington Catholic.
Critical Race Theory → This toxic theory that aims to divide us along racial lines has been repeatedly shoved down our throats…even making its way into the public school system.
The “LGBTQ Pandemic” → Pushing non-binary sexuality onto our children.
Dehumanization of Opposition → Half the country is irredeemably racist and evil therefore should not be engaged.
Systemic Racism → America is a fundamentally evil and unjust place. Everything about the system is racist so it needs to be torn down and rebuilt.
Covid-19 Tyranny → Covid hysteria/misinformation, lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, shutting down repurposed drugs, and now vaccination of children.
George Floyd Riots → The left actively supported and stoked the rioting and looting following the death of George Floyd.
Big Tech Censorship → Censorship of free speech, banning of people the left doesn’t like, and algorithms that shadowban the right.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about then you’re a leftist and I don’t care because you’re beyond saving. Go ahead and keep drinking the cool aid.
But if you are a Democrat in the traditional sense and want to understand this in simple terms: “Stop lying about everything”.
Everybody lies in politics, but we’re not talking about Obama saying you can keep your doctor. We’re talking about gaslighting to such an extent that there are true believers on the left who live in an alternate reality. What’s worse is that the lies have created such distrust of traditional institutions that there are now people on the right who will believe any conspiracy theory.
“But Trump lies!”
Trump speaks in narcissistic hyperbole so technically speaking he does lie. But we’re talking about large-scale coordinated lies being told by the entire left infrastructure. And at the end of the day, Trump’s not here and you’re still lying.
The 2020 presidential election was ultimately a referendum on Trump. Biden didn’t get 81 million votes because of his popularity. But as far as the rest of the ticket, Republicans had a very good showing.
This should have been the first clue to Democrats, but it wasn’t. Biden had a mandate to be moderate and unify the country. Not to be a transformative President who was going to push the radical progressive agenda.
Then we had the elections two weeks ago, and again the message came back loud and clear from the people. Any changes in the rhetoric? Any soul searching? Nope, it’s still that “America is racist”. There is no other possible explanation!
I don’t think that people on the left understand how much anger exists on the right. And not just on the right, but also the center and even classic liberals. I’m furious and I’d say my political leanings are slightly right of the traditional center. This is a motivated base that has just started mobilizing and they are generating activists…and the movement will just keep growing.
Stop lying! Stop doubling down on the bullshit of the progressive left. Trump is no longer here to distract people from the lies you are telling and it’s ridiculously obvious. Some of the loudest people denouncing this are classic liberals.
Here are two Democrats admitting that critical race theory is the basis for what is being taught in schools. Does this make Democrats stop pushing the lie that CRT equals learning about black history? Nope.

Bill Maher gets this better than anybody. He understands that the left has seriously overplayed their hand and that they are out of touch with the country. Every week he has a different message speaking to this point.
Do you realize that Don Lemon was actually a sane person in 2014? Here he is saying that okay, racism is an issue, but he’s sick of talking about it and just wants to move on. Racism didn’t just magically appear because of Trump.
I’m not writing this to tell people on the left to vote Republican. So long as you keep up this charade, the Republicans will just keep winning.
Trump did not get elected because America was hopelessly racist. He was elected because people were sick of the lies…it was just less obvious back then. Trump was the guy willing to say what they were feeling.
And with Trump out of action, the spotlight is squarely on Democrats and people do not like what they see. You can only lie for so long before it becomes embarrassing.
So I will say it again to Democrats: stop doubling down on the lies. Stop doubling down on cowbells. You don’t need more cowbells…
The country needs a healthy political dialogue between the left and the right. But that can’t happen if Democrats continue down this path.
And that’s how you’ll get another 4 years of Trump because the next Presidential election will be a referendum on the progressive left.
As of May 2020, I'm registered "no party affiliation," following 45 years voting straight blue. Covidmania revealed the extent of fear-mongering, authoritarianism that has consumed my former party, and which I can see, now that I've stepped away from it, has been growing and growing for many years. Coronavirus hysteria, climate hysteria, "systemic racism," wokism, etc., etc., all have taken over the Democratic party and its followers, of which I was one not so long ago.
You are exactly right, they've overplayed their hand. But I'm glad in a way, because some of us might not have opened our eyes otherwise.And yes, I am really angry—for the children, especially, who are suffering abuses and being deprived of some parts of their humanity, not to mention placing them at unnecessary risk of bodily harm.
Excellent article! I would only make one comment. Biden didn't get 80 million votes.