Comedians and Truckers saving the world.
Sounds silly, doesn’t it?
It really isn’t so far-fetched when you think about it. Comedians and truckers are uniquely situated to make an impact in fighting back against woke authoritarianism.
I’ve predicted as much in the past and we might actually see these anti-heroes fulfilling this destiny.
Ever since the woke-ocalypse began to descend upon us sometime in the mid 2010’s, it became obvious that we were actually fighting a culture war against the progressive left.
A culture war is a battle between groups over basic values and beliefs. It’s essentially a metaphoric fight for the heart of the country.
The only problem is that most people didn’t, and some still don’t, realize that the culture war exists and that the left’s blitzkrieg has already occupied all major institutions of culture and authority.
Unfortunately, regardless of when you figure it out, you soon realize that you’re not very well equipped to fight this war. Sure, you can vote…and you should vote…but change via voting happens very slowly.
In the meantime, society hurtles towards more authoritarianism and craziness.
There’s not much you can do but throw on your favorite Bonnie Tyler record and pray for a hero!
But now there’s hope!
Maybe the Comedians and Truckers can save us…
I’ve always thought that the key to winning the culture war was through comedy. They’re really the only ones who are allowed to say the quiet part out loud, no matter how controversial.

Below are just some of the examples of the power of comedians to change the culture.
Jon Stewart single-handedly made it acceptable to talk about the origins of Covid-19. It took him less than two minutes to absolutely demolish the notion that it’s unreasonable to consider the “Wuhan Novel Coronavirus Lab” as a possible source of the virus. But before this, people were ostracized professionally or suspended/banned on social media just for mentioning the possibility.

Liberal comedian Bill Maher has single-handedly done more to counter progressive wokism and Covid-19 authoritarianism/misinformation than anybody else. Week after week he uses humor to call out the woke progressive nonsense on his side.

Then there was the time that Ricky Gervais cut all of Hollywood down to size with some of the most savage jokes highlighting the blatant hypocrisy of these woke prima donnas…including quips about their “friend” Jeffrey Epstein.

The greatest gift of comedians is their ability to see past all the bullshit. I think we learned this from the GOAT Joe Rogan. After listening to hundreds of hours of him shooting the shit with his comedian buddies, you start to understand that these broken and flawed people are also some of the realest human beings you’ve ever heard.
You can’t be fake and still be funny. That’s why comedians are really the most honest commentators of contemporary society. In their comedy, they point out some uncomfortable realities hidden beneath the veneer of civilization.
Take this Dave Chappelle joke. The reason it’s funny is that underneath there is an element of truth that he is pointing out.
And at no time have we needed truth-tellers more than now. The cancel culture strategy of the left has made the culture war incredibly hard to fight.
Let’s be honest, it’s hard for the average person to hold down a day job and also criticize progressive wokeness. Even comedians have been cowed by this culture as many a comedian has been canceled. It’s hard to fight back when you’re being shouted down by people yelling “racist” or “bigot”.
Yet, comedians are the only ones who are uniquely positioned to fight this battle. As Jordan Peterson points out in this recent episode of JRE, comedians are not compatible with woke totalitarianism.

And it’s true. The moment that comedians collectively decide to go after woke progressive culture, it will be like that moment when Jon Stewart called out the origin of the Wuhan virus. The whole thing will crumble under the weight of its own absurdity.
Let’s hope.
Truckers are important because they hold a counter to the power of the authoritarian state.
There is a reason that Jimmy Hoffa was once as powerful as the President of the United States. People have no idea how important logistics are to modern society.
We talk about how essential policemen, firemen, and medical workers are. I guess that is true to the handful of people who may need their services at any given moment in time.
But do people realize what happens to modern society when goods stop being transported? Over 80% of people in the US live on only 3% of the land. Without truckers moving goods into those urban areas, things start to go bad fast. We’re talking about the total breakdown of society in weeks.
It was in this spirit that I wrote this tweet some months back. My point was that the truckers aren’t as organized as they were back during Hoffa’s days, but if they ever came together they could send a powerful message to the politicians.

And here we are today with the Great Canadian Trucker’s Protest.
The convoy is a nice visual for promoting their cause, but their negotiating power far exceeds their ability to generate media coverage.
Here’s Joe Rogan joking about how Canada is in revolt.
As a side note, one of the great things about this protest is that while it is against vaccine mandates, the participants are both vaccinated and vaccinated. They are joining together in solidarity for peoples’ right to choose.
This should have been the position of workers all over. They should have come together, regardless of their vaccine status, to demand that mandates be eliminated.
If you don’t think that this thing is a big deal for authorities then just read the news reports.
This is the coverage you see when the elites start freaking out because they realize that they no longer have the power. All those truckers have to do is just go home and take a two-week vacation and let the politicians figure out other solutions (they can’t).
So long as they stick together and aren’t intimidated, the truckers should get their way because they hold all the leverage. It’s true in Canada. It’s true in the US. It’s true almost everywhere. Logistics is king in modern society and we’re just seeing the tip of the iceberg in terms of consequences right now with the Covid-19 logistic delays.
Final Words
So there you have it: Comedians and Truckers. Maybe Seinfeld should make a spin-off: “Comedians and Truckers Getting Coffee”.
In their own way, each of these groups has the ability to strike a blow against woke authoritarianism. Comedians in the culture war and truckers against authoritarian governance.
I’ve had my eye on them for a while and it seems that things are currently coming to a head. It will be interesting to see how things evolve.
Other Stuff - Housekeeping
I put together this Hitler Rants video on Covid-19 (Parody) but couldn’t properly embed it on Twitter so most people didn’t get to see it. Check it out if you haven’t.
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I would say this as a Brit but that Ricky Gervais monologue was great!
Why is anyone trying to cancel Bill Burr?